Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Loving A Grendel

To love a Grendel is hard. Especially one as horrid as Dylan. However, that's what I endeavered to do. Hopefully I made an impression on his poor, abjectly miserable life.
All joking aside, being nice to Dylan was my project for "Loving a Grendel". I was nice to him all day monday, with less sarcastic comments than normal, and tried to get to know him a little bit.
I chose Dyaln as a "Grendel" because he was a person I normally don't interact with on a regular basis, and I thought it would be kinda interesting.
Because I'm naturally sarcastic. I realize that it's not always well-liked in most circles, but I wanted to try to be nice to him for once...
I think I'm starting to build a semi-friendship with him! That's kinda nice, because I hope to make an impact on his "life"...


  1. Swain, upon reading this i actually laughed out loud. Dylan and you do have many feuds with each other. Its good that you are starting to become his friend! Variety in friends, i believe, is very healthy. Great job Derek.

  2. Swain. I... well, I guess... Dylan is pretty bad... lol jkjk I think its hilariouse that you finally realized how caustic you are to Dylan, and its a nice change to see you being friendly for once! lol it's too bad Ms. Wiesman doesn't quite know you or Dylan that well yet... Mr. Johnson or Mrs. Harris would have laughed a lot!

    (NOTE: We do love you Ms. Wiesman, don't get me wrong... lol)

    -WTF III

  3. awww derek, you know we are destined to be best friends

  4. Huh. Not sure what of this is joking or not... And not convinced this was a truly intentional act on your part to love a "Grendel."
    Content: 4/5
    Conventions: 4/5
    Complete: 3/5
